Categories: Editors Notes
Date: May 15, 2014
Title: Farewell from Editor-In-Chief
To the readers of The Journal, its Blog, and members of The Patent and Trademark Office Society: This is my last day as Editor-in-Chief. I want to wish you all well and thank you for letting me be your editor. It’s been an amazing five plus years with The Journal in a variety of roles. It’s been a privilege these past 4 years to serve you as your Editor-in-Chief. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some great people during that time. During my tenure with The Journal we’ve seen some amazing transformations. I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of transitioning The Journal to having an increased online presence. We started an electronic issue distribution concurrent with our print issue. We launched a blog. We switched to a quarterly format. We expanded our article selection into newer areas of technology law while still maintaining our primary intellectual property focus.
I hope you’ve found the last 5 plus years amazing as well. I can’t take all of the credit for all of that. I’ve been lucky to be part of a team working with some very talented people. I can only hope they know how much I appreciate them. I want to start listing them all, but am afraid I might forget to list someone, so I’m going to give a general blanket thank you. I want to thank The Journal’s Board of Governors and The Board of Directors of The Patent and Trademark Office Society for taking a chance on a bright-eyed new employee all those years ago. I want to thank in no particular order, my editorial staff, my blog contributors, The Journal’s Financial, Executive, and Assistant Directors during my term, the PTO for the compliments and supportive comments I’ve heard over the years, the authors who trusted me to shepherd their work, my friends who were understanding when editing deadlines often cut into my social life, my parents, and lastly The Academy for this great honor. Well, maybe the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences had nothing to do with this.
I leave The Journal behind in the hands of some very capable people, who are working in ways to expand The Journal into new areas even further. I hope they’ll continue to amaze you. I believe they will.
Joshua Schwartz