Categories: Innovative Patents
      Date: Nov 17, 2016
     Title: Patent No. U.S. 8,549,699 B1

Written By: Roland Casillas
      Web and Blog Editor

Patent No. U.S. 8,549,699 B1

Illuminated Leaf Blower

Inventors: Francisco A. Domingo

Description: To continue along with the Fall season and Fall clean-up, a leaf blower to round up leafs in and around ones yard is always necessary, and if someone likes yard work at the early or ending hours of the day this would be the perfect attachment to get. The invention is a backpack carrier leaf blower with an attachable light source. The light is attached to the handle portion of the blower and can pivot to the angle at which the user is moving the blower tube, thus always seeing leafs they are trying to move.

The handle of the blower tube which has the trigger is moveable to be at the correct distance on the blower tube for the comfort of the arm length of the current user. A small battery pack is attached to the rear frame of the blower with an extended wire attachment for the moveable handle. The battery pack has its own power switch to use the light source only when necessary.

More Fall season themed inventions to come later this month with a possible Thanksgiving specific invention next week.

To see the full description of the invention follow the link.

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