ELISHA FOOTE 1868-1869
Elisha Foote, the eleventh Commissioner of Patents, may be regarded as being the last Commissioner of the "old regime", prior to the revised laws of 1870. His term of office covered the period from July 25, 1868, to April 25, 1869, the interval between his term and that of his predecessor, Commissioner Theaker, being supplied by the Chief Clerk of Theaker's administration, who held the office of Acting Commissioner from January 20 to July 24, 1868.
Like his immediate predecessor in office, Commissioner Foote served an apprenticeship on the Board of Examiners-in-Chief. He was appointed to that office from Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, New York, on August 1, 1865. The press of that day welcomed him into that position as a gentleman of the highest ability and character, his legal standing being particularly commented upon.
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