
Folding and Automobile-Transportable Camping Tent

Written By: Roland Casillas
     Web and Blog Editor

Patent No. 3,375,836A

Folding and Automobile-Transportable Camping Tent

Inventors: Lara Domeneghetti

Description: I had recently gone camping and will hopefully doing more over the course of the summer here in California. As I only have a standard tent for camping I thought it would be interesting to look at the different designs of tents available for all camping enthusiasts.

The current invention is a folding text system that sits atop of a vehicle and a roof rack type system. The text folds down into a compact rectangular shape when in transport but can unfold to a generous size tent that stays elevated on top of the vehicle. When unfolding the tent, there are attachments to secure the tent in the unfolded position.

The tent system allows the user to utilize the tent atop the vehicle or detaching the tent from the vehicle for traditional usage on the ground. When the tent is unfolded, depending on the embodiment or additional attachments in use by the user, the tent allows for canopy coverage as well. Depending on the situation of use, keeping the tent atop the vehicle could be beneficial for particular surroundings (i.e. predatory animals present in the campgrounds).

There are newer versions of this style tent systems currently on the market with similar styles of use (i.e. stop the vehicle or for ground use when detached). Other tent designs to come in the near future.

To see the full description of the invention follow the link.

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