
The Effects of AI Technology on Personal Injury Litigation

The Effects of AI Technology on Personal Injury Litigation


By: Rae Steinbach


The history of artificial intelligence dates back to the 1950s, but it has been taking on a larger role in our personal and business lives in more recent years. Machine learning and other AI technologies have taken 450% more jobs since just 2013, and that trend is only going to continue.


While many people anticipated the gradual introduction of artificial intelligence into lower-skilled jobs, fewer expected the technology to apply to more complex settings such as the law. Personal injury lawyers and their area of practice have already been profoundly affected by the rise of AI, substantially increasing client access to legal resources.


Streamlining Claims with Artificial Intelligence


Compared to the current timeline involved in processing insurance claims, artificial intelligence promises a significant upgrade. Using AI software, claim processing time could be reduced to as little as five seconds. Efficiency is further aided by chatbots which can respond to simple customer inquiries.


The Limits of AI


While insurance companies obviously see significant potential in the integration of artificial intelligence, there may also be some cases in which the human element is needed. Personal injury lawyers will need to take on challenges made by plaintiffs who believe artificial intelligence made the incorrect decision.


It’s also difficult to determine whether an algorithm will be able to capture everything relevant to the outcome of a claim. Much of the responsibility will rest with lawyers, as they will need to learn which types of cases are likely to be missed by prevailing AI technology.

Artificial Intelligence in Legal Research


Just as the introduction of online legal databases change the way lawyers do research worldwide, artificial intelligence is already affecting the field. AI technology can help lawyers find a potentially relevant precedent, substantially reducing the time necessary to look for cases.


The growth of AI will also likely be slowed by the law’s rate of adoption of new technologies compared to other industries. Digital exhibits in trials, for example, took much longer to happen in some jurisdictions, especially considering how quickly most sectors are to adapt to new developments.

Roughly three-quarters of consumers are already using at least one AI-enabled technology, and it’s clear that the growth of AI is a trend that will continue to accelerate into the 2020s. The impact on personal injury law is impossible to predict, but these early signs indicate that the field could be profoundly affected.

To see more about Rae Steinbach follow the link.
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