
Federico Memorial Award 2019

Federico Memorial Award 2019

Joshua Schwartz

The Federico Committee was privileged to present the 2019 Pasquale J. Federico Memorial Award to The Honorable (Ret.) Randall Rader during the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Patent and Trademark Office Society.

In 1993, the SOCIETY established the Pasquale J. Federico Memorial Award. The Federico Award is intended to recognize outstanding contributions to the Patent and Trademark Systems of the United States of America. It may be given to an individual, a group of individuals, a corporation or an institution. Awards to individuals may be made posthumously. No more than one award may be given in each year. Anyone may make a nomination.

Judge Randall Rader is a graduate of Brigham Young University and the George Washington University Law School. Judge Rader served as Counsel, to the House of Representatives, Interior and Ways and Means Committees from 1975-1980. Then served as Chief Counsel, to the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittees from 1980-1988. President Ronald Reagan appointed Rader to the United States Court of Federal Claims in 1988, to succeed Robert M. M. Seto. The United States Senate confirmed the nomination by unanimous consent on August 11, 1988. He served there for approximately two years. On June 12, 1990, Rader was nominated by President George H. W. Bush to a seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated by Judge Jean Galloway Bissell. Rader was confirmed by the Senate on August 3, 1990, and received his commission on August 9, 1990. In 2010, Rader became Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit succeeding Chief Judge Paul Redmond Michel upon his retirement. He served in that capacity through May of 2014. Since leaving the bench in 2014, Judge Rader has founded the Rader Group, initially focusing on arbitration, mediation, and legal consulting and legal education services. 

Judge Rader has taught courses on patent law and other advanced intellectual property courses at The George Washington University Law School, University of Virginia School of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, and other university programs in Tokyo, Taipei, New Delhi, and Beijing.

Judge Rader has also co-authored several texts including the most widely used textbook on U. S. patent law, Cases and Materials on Patent Law, (St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West 3d ed. 2009) and Patent Law in a Nutshell, (St. Paul, Minn.: Thomson/West 2007) (translated into Chinese and Japanese).

101 J. Pat. & Trademark Off. Soc’y 1 (2019)

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