Biographical information of Louis S. Zarfas, the Journal's fifteenth Editor in Chief.

Zarfas holds the record for having the second longest term as the Journal's Editor in Chief, serving in the role for 20 years from 1987-2006 (Volumes 69-88). Steve Blount provides this tribute to Editor in Chief Zarfas' contributions to the journal in Steve Blount, Tribute to Lou Zarfas, 88 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. Soc'y 1018 (2006):


Moreover, from this article at Patently-O entitled "Counting Design Patents", "Louis Zarfas is the primary examiner associated with the most issued design patents. Mr. Zarfas has allowed over 16,000 design patents since his first (as a primary) in 1978. Over 1,000 of those design patents relate to shoe designs claimed by companies such as Nike, Reebok, AVIA, Asics, LA Gear, Rockport, Sketchers, Wolverine, Keds, Louis Vuitton, Timberland, Berluti, and Kangaroos."

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